Lange and Ruess - Remember...

Lange said he wrote to you.  Go easy on him.  He can wax pretty eloquent about the recent past but between the lines is a lot of hurt.  Quite a few family and friends blackballed them when Karen got pregnant.  His wife, Rebecca, went completely zombie on him, useless as jello.  Karen carried the baby in her belly and Lange carried the cross on his back.  The fit really hit the shan, Ruess.

I told him a little about you, where you've been.  And about Jane.  I sure do miss her.


Lange seems like a man who's trying, but yes, he builds walls with words.  That's alright.  I'll listen for awhile.  He's pretty angry.

I miss Jane even more these days.  I accidentally gave away a bag of her clothes last week, it had her old purple robe in it.  The lady at the Goodwill tried to help me, but its gone.  I swear that robe still smelled like her, Roy.  I'd cut my hand off to have that back.  The things of this world, the precious things of this world.


Well, crap.  I'm pretty sure she was wearing that robe the first time I met her, that and those yellow buckaroo boots - do you remember that?  Sherry had just left me and I hadn't touched female flesh in weeks and Jane shook my hand and I literally had to sit down, remember that?  I sorta hoped you'd get hit by a bus or something that evening and Jane and I could run off together and be lovers.  But a bus never came by.


I remember it all.            


  1. I like this line: "the fit really hit the shan...."

    The double entendre in that statement is nice. Constitutional cats like to talk about "fit." How certain laws and thing strain to fit within a Constitutional framework. I like to think we have this same strain, this same fit tension.

    The space you are painting creates fit tension well.

    I ain't comment'n again until that preacher feller from NC comments again. I mighta read his blog a time or two by linking out through these posts. I feel like he might be good church people.

  2. Seth, like trying to fit into my jeans from my 30s? Yep, strain and tension...

    Aw, don't wait on brave, bold.

  3. Not sure he's talking about me. I've never lived in NC and not sure if I'm a preacher feller...but I do like to pop in and offer a word to the good stuff happening over in this part of the world.

  4. Anonymous11:02 PM

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  5. Seems I should have said Virgina. Seems I read Charlotte instead of Charlottesville. Seems like my comprehension skills are lacking.

    Seems like I can comment again since Winn came around.
