Morning - 6 September 07

So pay attention to what is in front of you
and what is hidden will be revealed
. Day 6 - Gospel

"The conquerers and looters refused to participate in a reciprocal and balanced exchange with life. They were unable to receive the best gifts of land, not gold or pearls or ownership, but a welcome acceptance of what is offered...These actions, all of them, must be what Bushman people mean when they say a person is far-hearted. This far-hearted kind of thinking is one we are especially prone to now..."
- Linda Hogan, Dwellings

"Twice in my life, not once, I have heard the wild wood duck call her hatchlings down from the tree nest. God is lavish."
- Mary Oliver, Long Life

"He talked on, said how the Reverend Biddle talked of Creation as though it had been a mere seven-day investment, like putting up a barn, a task with a beginning, middle, and a definite end. Not so. 'Look out there,' he said in a voice that suddenly demanded attention . 'Creation is forever. Not made, boy, but being made, always. Does that sound silly, an old man's madness?..'"
- Harry Middleton, The Earth is Enough

So pay attention to what is in front of you
and what is hidden will be revealed

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