Is self-hatred still the thing dogging most people, believers or not?

Yes. Absolutely. We say we believe God has forgiven us, but we cannot forgive ourselves. Apparently, we just cannot believe God's forgiveness is that deep and wide. As a result, we don't experience gratitude in our lives, and where there's no gratitude, there's no joy.

The question was mine; the answer came from Brennan Manning. An early birthday gift came this week in the form of dinner with this ragamuffin of a man. I'll tell that story another time, but let's just say, it was cool.

I knew this gal once, a pastor's wife, who used to go around on Sunday mornings singing just be joyful, just be joyful, just be joyful; spiritual disciplines ala Finding Nemo. The truth is that I knew she hated what she was doing and this song was an attempt to make the reality of her life go away and transport her to some joy-filled place. It never worked. Maybe (ala Brennan) she had no joy because she had no gratitude because she couldn't forgive herself for something. Or maybe she couldn't forgive herself for being her. Self-hatred. Sounds insidious, huh?

I turned 40 this week. Evidently 40 is the new 50 - midlife. If so, then I'm committing to joy for the rest of the car-ride. I have no interest in some just-be-joyful-screw-up-my-courage song; no, this feels more like a whistle. Whistlin' the tune of forgiveness and gratitude and joy. If you happen to see a patchworked old Catholic priest shuffling along and a bearded guy in cowboy boots whistlin' a joyful tune, you're invited to come join us. It's a pretty narrow way, this totally-forgiven, gratitude-soaked, joy-strewn path...but there's One up ahead who keeps turning around and winking at us, telling us just a little further. And He's beautiful. And He keeps calling us by name.


  1. ...And wouldn't it be something if he looked like Barry Moser?!...and had Linford and Karin in tow?

  2. Anonymous2:19 PM

    First of all, I heard 40 is the new 30! So enjoy it. Forty bought me gifts that I'll still be unwrapping in eternity. The best is yet to come in many, many ways, my friend.

    How I envy that ragamuffin dinner. One of these days...

    And yes, it's good to be loved. St. Francis De Sales said something that stays with me. "Be who you are, and be that perfectly well." For better or worse it's better to be who you are, issues and all. And isn't that amazing grace. Gets easier to do that after forty.

    Happy Birthday. Godspeed. And keep writing. I love this place.

  3. "...just a little further."

    I love the rich, beautiful paradox of joy you've painted in this word picture - a picture of Jesus allowing us to grasp something wonderful that remains just out of reach.
